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By Len Van Hoogenhuijze


MOps Unlocked Webinar – Episode 7: Data Health

Welcome to the 7th episode of our MOps Unlocked Webinar Series in which we explore techniques and approaches to enhance your Marketing Operations. 

In this session, originally held on 31/07/2024, our Data Analyst Annabelle Loveluck and Operations Director Len van Hoogenhuijze share best practice approaches for data health and enrichment. 

Watch now to learn about: 

  • What constitutes ‘good’ and ‘bad’ data – and how this impacts your marketing efforts 
  • The actions you can take to optimise data health 
  • Long-term approaches to maintaining a healthy database 
  • The benefits of our enterprise data categorisation and transformation platform, Normalator. 

Whatever the stage of your data journey, this session will deliver the insight you need to take your next steps towards full data health.